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The Livelox Transition Model will be discontinued as of 1st August 2023

During the Covid pandemic, the full Livelox feature set was offered for free in all countries except for Sweden, Norway and Australia – the countries where Livelox was first introduced. We decided to do this for goodwill reasons to support the development of orienteering under difficult times.

The free offer has been extended a few times, but we will now move towards a paid model for all countries. We do this to keep our business sustainable and to be able to develop our product further. Until the end of July 2023, our "Transition model" keeps most features fully accessible. After that, a Livelox Premium subscription is required to access the full feature set.

Note that you will still be able to use Livelox for free to visualize and analyse one route at a time. To compare and visualize multiple routes at a time, a Livelox premium subscription is required.

Providing maps and courses as an event organiser will remain free of charge.

Our subscription plans

The subscription plans overview page lets you compare the features available in our various subscription offers.