The participant is not associated with any person.
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Google Maps
do klasyka wycięta pod 10k
2459 × 1460 px
6.4 km²
Add route: select person
Download map
The organiser has disabled map download for this event.
Overview map
Share route for
The link leads to the current view with the selected participant's route highlighted.
Time settings
Date and time when the session started.
The elapsed time from start to finish. Type a time in hours, minutes and seconds.
Merge classes/courses
You can view participants from multiple classes in the same map image. If the classes have different courses, all courses will be shown. Make your selection either by class or by course.
User guide: Replay
User guide: Legs
User guide: Duel
User guide: Table
The replay tab lets you re-run your training or race. View your GPS track and route choices compared to the other participants. Follow this guide to learn more about the features of the Replay mode.
Click on the Play button to start the replay.
The orange slider in the top left of the screen allows you to change the speed of the replay. You can see the time progression of the race in the grey bar above the replay screen. Click anywhere in the bar to jump to the corresponding time.
In the left side panel, you can see the list of participants who uploaded their routes to the selected class.
In the top section of the same panel, you can also switch between the various classes of the event.
When clicking a participant in the left panel, the participant gets selected and its background switches to orange. Now, the selected participant will be followed along the course during the replay.
Clicking on the right edge of the screen, or on the button in the top right corner, will expand the right side panel. In this panel it is possible to customize the appearance of the routes on the screen. You can change the marker size, tail length and opacity of the routes. Select Color-coded in the Tail style drop-down menu to let the color of the route tail lines vary according to the momentaneous speed.
It is possible to simulate a mass start from any position on the map. This will give a good indication of the relative performance between runners in various segments of the course.
To begin a mass start on a computer, hold the Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) key and click on the location where you want to release the mass start. On your phone, tap and hold on to the location.
Through the button to the right of the speed slider, at the top of the screen, you can switch between multiple mass start or individual start options.
Find out more about the details of your performance, compare it with others and improve your orienteering! In the leg analysis tab, you can look deeper into each leg of the event. Follow this guide to learn more about the features of the leg-by-leg analysis.
Livelox assigns colors varying from green over yellow to red to the various route choices in the specific leg. Green is fastest and red is slowest.
To navigate between the legs of the course, use the leg picker at the top of the window.
Additionally, you can use the navigation arrows on the left and right sides of the screen to switch to the previous or to the next leg.
The panel on the left side of the screen lists the participants in order of performance on the current leg.
When clicking on a participant, it becomes selected and hovering mode is activated. This allows you to hover with your mouse along that participant's route on the screen and see its proceeding compared to other participants.
The analysis can be expanded to the whole course by clicking on the icon in the top left of the toolbar.
It is also possible to analyse also multiple legs at the same time or a segment within a leg. Hold the Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) key, and drag the segment you would like to analyse with your mouse. On mobile, select the icon in the top left of the toolbar and pick the start and end location for the segment.
Duel is a new analysis tool in Livelox which allows to compare two runners head to head. Follow this guide to discover all the features of the Duel analysis mode.
The Duel tab visualizes the time loss/gain in a single or multiple legs for a selected participant compared to another participant.
The routes are divided in segments based on whether the two participants have chosen the same route (dotted lines) or different routes (solid lines).
The selected participant's route is shown either in green (time gained relative to the other participant) or red (time lost), while the other participant's route is always shown in grey.
You can compare any participant pair in the same class through all the legs of the course. Use the drop-down menus to select participants.
When navigating between legs, the selected participant is kept the same. The reference participant either automatically changes to the one being fastest on the leg (the button), or is being kept (the button). The latter will enable comparison between the same two participants when stepping through all legs of the course.
Navigating between legs works in the same way as in the Legs tab. Click on the icon in the top left of the toolbar to show the whole course at once.
It is also possible to analyse also multiple legs at the same time or a segment within a leg. Hold the Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) key, and drag the segment you would like to analyse with your mouse. On mobile, select the icon in the top left of the toolbar and pick the start and end location for the segment.
This table shows all split times control-by-control for the class.
If the organisers uploaded a result list directly to Livelox or through a connected results system such as Eventor, the split times from the electronical punching system are used. Otherwise, Livelox calculates split times based on the routes. For each control, a "virtual punch" is assigned to the position of the route that is closest to the center of the control circle.
Participants whose split times origin from electronic punching are indicated by the symbol, while the calculator symbol shows up next to participants for which the route-based algorithm have been used.
A split times table cell contains two lines of information.
The first line shows time and place for the leg, i.e. from the preceding control to the current control.
The second line shows time and place from the start to the current control.
In both cases, the best time is highlighted in red. Second and third best time is highlighed in blue.
You can also view other parameters than time.
Route lengths: the actual covered distance to the control
Route pace: the average pace in min/km for the actual covered distance
Pace between controls: the average pace in min/km based on the straight line distance between controls
Route length compared to straight line: how much longer the route is in percent compared to the straight line
A subscription is required
Only a single participant's route is shown. To see many routes at once, you need a subscription.
Try for free for 14 days!
Duel chart
No results have been uploaded
We would like to ask you as an administrator of this event to upload results. It gives the participants an even better experience.
Providing a result list with split times from an electronical punching system has two benefits. 1) Punching split times are more accurate than split times calculated based on GPS routes. 2) Routes of participants will automatically be connected to the right classes in the event with a higher degree of certainty.
¡Livelox Premium en España ya está disponible a un precio con descuento! Disfruta de los primeros 14 días gratis. Entonces, por solo 24,90 euros al año, podrás acceder a las herramientas de análisis de Livelox para todos los eventos en España. ¡Suscríbete ahora!
Livelox Premium Türkiye'de şimdi indirimli fiyatla sunuluyor! İlk 14 günü ücretsiz deneyin. Ardından, yıllık sadece 14,90 Euro karşılığında Türkiye'deki tüm etkinlikler için Livelox analiz araçlarına erişim sağlayabilirsiniz. Hemen abone olun!
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Instructions for drawing routes by hand
Click on the map image to add waypoints to the route. You can undo one or more added waypoints by clicking the Undo button .
To remove a waypoint, hold down Ctrl and click on the waypoint.
If you need to redraw a section of the route, hold down Shift and click the waypoint where the redraw is to be started. Then, click the waypoint where the redraw is to be finished. Now, the section is replaced with a gap which you can fill with new waypoints by clicking in the map image. When the gap is filled, click on the button.
To move the map image, just do as usual: click and drag with the mouse.
When everything is completed, click the Save button at the top right.